sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2015


I woke up in this forest
With no beginning and no end
No kind of my own, no light, no shed
No memories could tell from before the time being
But the heart missed what wasn’t known yet

From my past there was no recall
Who I was, where did I want to go
Was not in the matters
Since the survival was the only goal

Every day was a battle
The luscious fruit one day was medicine
The other was venin
Unveiling, everything was the same
But the duskiness transformed it in sin

No one around, muteness
The only one talking, my mind
And she was never in quiescence, never lull
Just waiting to ravish my line

One day, a squawk
Hidden in the bushes I could see
Those eyes never before seen
Wired, pugnacious, in awe
Staring, staring at me

Made it shake my whole body
Laughing were my knees
Terrified, a big stone I threw
Go away, go away you evil sleaze!

Long days, long days without sleep
Afraid of the beast to return
Wondering to nowhere, always on guard
In that state of eternal dormancy
Running away, I sank into the torpor of the nard

Done for, no energy in my possession
I was certain to give up on the long road
So I let my body to be sucked by the turf
Thing never dreamed to be bode

A loud howl cut the vault
And I thought I was deceased
But my eyes opened alert and wide
I felt the blood running and burning in feast
Like for the first time I was alive

My whole cells suddenly dashed
With a force never before felt
I needed to touch I needed to see I needed the proof
To remember what existed before hell

I rushed into the dense forest
And could feel it again in my back
But this time I was wonder and swain
So with my might I decided to look back
And I could remember everything once again

For a long time those globes were already known
Forgotten in the years without plea
Who could ever tell? Who could ever see?
That as a matter of fact
That beast was actually me!

segunda-feira, 4 de maio de 2015


Danço só
A dança de mais ninguém
De mil pessoas que me encaram nas ruas
Com mil pés em diferentes passos
Dançam todos
Mas não dançam ninguém

Danço só
A dança de um só compasso
De mil sorrisos que me sorriem calados
Com mil mãos de diversos formatos
Quero a todas
Mas não me tocam ninguém

Recito só
O poema que me foi cantado
De mil línguas que me dizem sim
Com mil bocas de diferentes vontades
Como a todas
Mas não me beijam ninguém

Canto só
A música que não foi musicada
De mil notas que vêm me sambar
Com mil vozes de diversas verdades
Ouço a todas
Mas não me falam ninguém

Caminho só
Nos passos de mais ninguém
De mil caminhos já antes caminhados
Com mil histórias já antes contadas
Faço parte de todas
Mas não me conhecem ninguém

Durmo só 
O sono dos enamorados
De mil mundos ainda não explorados
Com mil sonhos antes nunca sonhados
Me encantam todos
Mas não se realizam ninguém

Acordo só
Na alvorada embaraçada
De mil dias ainda para serem completados
Com mil sóis esperando para se esconder
Se põe todos
Mas não me anoitecem ninguém

Danço só
A dança de mais ninguém
Na cidade de mil balés não terminados
Com mil vontades de olhos desesperados
Me querem todos
E eu os quero também